Peanut Buttery Biscuits

Peanut Buttery Biscuits

Ingredients ½ cup almond flour ¼ cup Suganon Xylitol ½ t baking soda ½ t Himalayan rock salt 1 egg ¼ t cinnamon ¼ t ground cloves 1/3 cup unsweetened peanut butter 1 t vanilla extract   Method Preheat the oven to 180°C. In a large mixing bowl, combine almond...
Banana Crumpets

Banana Crumpets

Ingredients 2 large eggs 2 ripe bananas 4 T self-raising flour 1 T Suganon Xylitol ½ t vanilla essence Splash of coconut oil for frying   Method Mash ripe banana in a bowl and mix thoroughly with the remaining ingredients. Heat coconut oil in a frying pan on high...
Chocolate Cake

Chocolate Cake

Ingredients 1 ¾ cups cake flour 2 cups Suganon Xylitol ¼ cup cocoa 1 ½ t baking powder 1 ½ t baking soda 1 t Himalayan rock salt 2 eggs 1 cup milk ½ cup coconut/olive oil 2 t vanilla extract 1 cup boiling water   Method for the cake Heat oven to 180° Celsius then...
Zucchini Bread

Zucchini Bread

Ingredients 2 eggs 1 cup Suganon Xylitol 1 ½ – 2 cups zucchini, grated ½ cup coconut/olive oil or ½ cup unsweetened apple purée 1 ½ cups cake flour 1 ½ t cinnamon ½ t Himalayan rock salt ½ t baking soda ½ t baking powder   Method Heat oven to 180° Celsius. Beat...
Blueberry Muffins

Blueberry Muffins

Ingredients 1 cup fresh blueberries ¾ cup cake flour ½ cup unsweetened apple purée 2 T Suganon Xylitol Pinch of Himalayan rock salt 1 t baking powder 1 t cinnamon just under ¼ cup coconut/olive oil 1 egg ¼ cup milk of your choice   Method Preheat your oven to...