
Our Products

Shape Suganon

Weight Control

Shape is a delicious and convenient range of shakes that can be used to replace a meal or as a snack, to assist you on your healthy lifestyle journey.

Shape provides energy, protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals, with no added sugar. When trying to lose or maintain weight, it is important to control your kilojoule intake through implementing a healthy eating plan but also including weekly exercise sessions as part of your lifestyle.

Shape Suganon Sweeteners


Shape Suganon is sweetener range offering a lower kilojoule alternative to sugar.

Shape Suganon tablets are a low kilojoule sweetener that is aspartame and cyclamates free. Shape Suganon Xylitol granules are a naturally occurring sugar alcohol found in most plant material, including many fruits and vegetables.

Shape Suganon sweeteners dissolve quickly to perfectly flavour hot or cold drinks, providing the sweet taste of sugar. It is suitable for use by people with diabetes and should be used in conjunction with a balanced eating plan.

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