Chocolate Hazelnut Spread


  • 180g hazelnuts (halve these with almonds if you’d like to lower the cost)
  • 20g raw cocoa powder
  • 20g Suganon Xylitol granules
  • 40ml coconut oil
  • Pinch of Himalayan rock salt



  1. Scatter your nuts over a baking tray and bake at 200° Celsius for a few minutes, watching carefully to ensure they don’t burn.
  2. Place the Suganon Xylitol in a food processor and pulse until powdery, then set aside.
  3. Place the cooled nuts in the food processor and pulse until a meal forms.
  4. Clean out the corners with a spatula, add the cocoa and Suganon Xylitol then blend again.
  5. With the food processor still on, slowly add the oil until you reach the consistency you like most.



Posted on

November 7, 2021

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